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Finalising and Posting Cash Ups
Finalising and Posting Cash Ups

How to finalise your cashing up, lock the week and send takings automatically to Xero

Matt Taylor avatar
Written by Matt Taylor
Updated over 2 years ago

There are a few different ways you can finalise your cash ups on Opsyte. These are as follows:

Information about these methods, and how to change your company settings, are explained below.

Note: You will only be able to see the methods spoken about in this article if you have the correct permissions. If you believe your permissions need changing, please speak to your site admin or customer support.

Post Sales Automatically on Locking Cash Up πŸ’Έ - DEFAULT

Once your week's Cash Ups have been finalised and no longer need to be changed, you can then lock your day/week.

Whether you wish to lock and post a day or a week can be changed in your company settings, here - you will need to be an admin user to click this link.

Locking your week will mean that no more changes can be made to the Cash Ups, and your sales will be automatically sent to your accounting system. Only users with the Unlock Week permission will be able to unlock the week again.

Here's how to lock your week and post your sales:

  1. Click the Lock Week button in the Summary Table.

  2. You will then see a table come up on screen, showing you that the system is posting the week's sales. You will see a progress bar along the bottom, and each day will change from the blue "In Progress" test to the green "Posted" text once sales have been posted.

  3. When all sales have been posted, your progress bar will turn green and the Status of all days will say Posted, or alternatively it will say No Sales if you weren't trading on that day.

  4. If you see a red error message in the status column, this means that there is an issue with that day's data and it cannot be posted to your accounting system. This is generally because of an issue such as a missing account code. If you are unsure how to solve this issue, please contact your site's admin or Customer Support.

Manually Posting Sales πŸ“«

Manually locking and posting your sales is a two stage process.

Process One: Locking the Cash Up.

On your Cash Up page, visit the Summary table and click on Lock Day/Lock Week - you can change whether you are locking a day or a week in your company settings.

The Lock button is found at the bottom of the Summary table on your Cash Up page.

Once you have locked your day/week, all data in that day/week is locked and cannot be edited and you will only be able to unlock the day/week again if you have permission.

Process Two: Posting Sales.

Once your week is locked, you will see the Post Sales to Xero button appear. Simply click this button to post your sales to Xero. Your Cash Up page will be posted as a manual journal in draft status.

Clicking the post sales button will post the day's sales that you are viewing to Xero.

When your Cash Up has successfully posted, you will see a green success banner appear.

Changing Cash Up Settings πŸ’°

You can change your Cash Up Settings in the Other Company Settings section of your admin menu. You will need to be an admin user to follow these steps.

  1. Open your admin menu using the four squares icon (the middle icon pictured below).

  2. Select Other Company Settings (second option down).

  3. Select Cash Up Settings from the list.

  4. You will then be able to edit your Cash Up Settings. The two settings relating to Posting Sales are at the bottom of the list.

    ​Lock Cashup Daily: if switched off, you will be locking a whole week at a time on your cashup page. If switched on you will be locking one day at a time.

    ​Post Sales On Locking: if switched off, you will be manually clicking the post sales button. If switched on, you will automatically be posting sales on locking your cash up.

Posting Sales Errors ❌

If your Cash Up data is incomplete, or missing information, you will receive an error when posting your sales data to Xero.

These errors will tell you whether your data is partially incomplete, or whether it cannot be posted at all.

For example, if you are trying to post data to an incorrect account code, you may receive an error similar to the one below:

You can then make the necessary adjustments to your account codes within Opsyte to allow the journal to post.

Some instances where you may experience a posting error are:

  • Petty Cash has no account code.

  • The account code you are trying to use doesn't exist.

  • Sales / Payments haven't been mapped to an account code.

If you experience these errors, you will be able to fix them by editing the necessary fields! Please contact Customer Support if you require further assistance with this.

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