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Wage Report

How to find and use your Wage Report on Opsyte.

Matt Taylor avatar
Written by Matt Taylor
Updated over a week ago

Your Wage Report helps you keep track of your spend on wages, compared to your budget, forecast and actual sales.

This article will cover:

Navigating your Wage Report

To find your Wage Report, navigate to the Reports section in your side bar, then click on Wage Report.

The report will default to showing you the current week, if you wish to change the date selection that you are viewing, you can use the date selector at the top right corner of the page.

If you have your Financial Periods set up, you can view the report by period by clicking on the date selector and choosing the period you wish to view. Find out how to set up Financial Periods here.

Click Generate Report to view your chosen date selection.

Changing your Budget and Forecast

To find out how you can complete your forecast and budget, follow the instructions here.

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