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October 2022 Release Notes
October 2022 Release Notes
Matt Taylor avatar
Written by Matt Taylor
Updated over 2 years ago

These Release Notes will Cover:

Staff Module Updates

Holiday: Calendar for Staff πŸ“…

Holiday: Limit Self Approving Holiday πŸ“† (Requested Feature)

Rota: Non- Worked Shifts ❌

Staff: Remove Staff Permission πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³(Requested Feature)

Other Updates

Bulletin Board πŸ“‹ (Requested Feature)

Reports: P&L Flash date range πŸ“ƒ(Requested Feature)

Reports: P&L Deposits Paid πŸ’°

What do I mean by Requested Feature?

We encourage our clients to suggest ideas for improvement by using the Feature Requests option in our side bar. The feature requests page allows you to submit your own ideas for improvement, as well as vote and comment on those left by other users. Please get involved and help us to decide what to develop next!

Holiday Calendar for Staff πŸ“…

For employees ease when booking holiday, they will now be able to see the holiday calendar and when they colleagues are on holiday to enable better planned holiday requests.

This feature can be found in the "Request Holiday" section within the Profile tab.

For help changing staff permissions, please contact customer support! πŸ‘‹

Limit Self Approving Holiday πŸ“†

Previously, any employee with the "Approve Holiday" permission would have been able to input their holiday and approve immediately within the Holiday page on the left.

We have now introduced a new "Holiday Self Approve" permission.

If you would not like your employees or staff to to approve their own holiday then you can leave this permission 'off'.

Non- Worked Shifts ❌

When employees don't arrive for a shift or simply couldn't work the shift the standard procedure is to approve the hours as zero.

Now, following the same process, you will now have a greyed out "Not Worked" icon where the shift was supposed to be, giving you a simpler and clearer view of your shifts and rota as a whole.

Remove Staff Permission πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³

We have yet another new permission. This permission enables you or anyone set with the applicable permission to terminate and remove any staff members without needing the admin permission.

This permission will be found under your usual "Staff" permission.

Bulletin Board πŸ“‹

The Bulletin Board is a new addition to Opsyte enabling you to send push notifications to your staff members of any updates or messages you may have!

These notifications will appear as push notifications but will also appear in your notifications tab on the Opsyte webpage or app.

If you have not yet had this feature turned on please do get in contact!

P&L Flash date range πŸ“ƒ

You are now able to view the P&L Flash with whatever date range you you desire. Previously you were limited to a week but now you can easily select any period, e.g. calendar months if that is needed.

Be sure to click "Generate Report" for the figures, from the chosen date, to pull through. If you are selecting a month, the report will show you a break down per week as apposed to per day.

P&L Deposits Paid πŸ’°

On the P&L Flash Report, "deposits unredeemed" has been renamed to "deposits paid to make the report slightly more comprehensive.

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