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May 2024 Release Notes
May 2024 Release Notes
Matt Taylor avatar
Written by Matt Taylor
Updated over 9 months ago

Welcome to the May edition of our release notes. This month has been pivotal for our development team as we rolled out several key updates and new features designed to enhance user experience.

These Release Notes will cover:


Holiday Update (Requested Feature)

Holiday Accrual Restrictions (Requested Feature)

Contract Field Update (Requested Feature)

Rota Export (Requested Feature)

Permission Re-fresh

Financial and Invoicing

Invoice Approval Groups (Requested Feature)

Reports (Requested Feature)

GoodTill Integration


Support Sidebar

Notifications and Settings Update

What do we mean by a Requested Feature?

We encourage our clients to suggest ideas for improvement by using the Feature Requests option in our sidebar. The Feature Requests page allows you to submit your ideas for improvement, as well as vote and comment on those left by other users. Please get involved and help us to decide what to develop next!


Holiday Update

There has been a few changes to Holiday. The first is that staff can now input a reason for the request for the manager to see.

The second is to do with rejecting holiday, managers can now input a reason for why the request is rejected. Both the options here are optional.

Holiday Accrual Restrictions

The Payroll Department restrictions will now affect the Holiday Accrual page. Now you can ensure people are only seeing their relevant teams accrual.

Contract Field Update

We have added a new field when creating a contract where you can have the default pay rate show rather than the jobs and pay rates table.

Rota Export

When you download your rota we have added extra lines at the bottom to reflect the same information you can see when viewing it on the desktop. This will now display the "Total Hours" and "Total Pay".

Permission Re-fresh

You now no longer need the "Admin" permission to be able to set permissions for other users, this now comes under "Add Staff". If you have this permission then you can allocate permissions to other users but only the ones you yourself have access too.

Financial and Invoicing

Invoice Approval Groups

We have introduced a new minimum approval limit, when creating your invoice approval groups. This a change that will help you stop seeing invoices that you do not need to see.


When viewing your weekly sales report there is a couple new lines. "Covers Spend Per Head" and "VAT" lines have been added to give better insights when being read.

GoodTill Integration

GoodTill systems can now be self-integrated with Opsyte! You will find it available under "Till Integrations" in your admin area.


Support Sidebar

We have now introduced a new "Help/Support" sidebar which sits below the "Bulletin Board"

With this new button, you can now have easier access to the "Requests", "Releases" and "Help Articles" pages.

Notifications and Settings Update

We have updated our settings and notifications tabs to look a lot more fresh and professional. This will enhance your user experience making it practical and straightforward.

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