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August 2024 Release Notes
August 2024 Release Notes
Matt Taylor avatar
Written by Matt Taylor
Updated over 7 months ago

As summer winds down, we're heating things up at Opsyte with our latest August releases. Say goodbye to the season, and hello to new features designed to keep your operations smooth and efficient. Let’s dive in and celebrate these updates together!

These Release Notes will cover:

  • Contract Field Updates (Requested Feature)

  • Default Dashboard

  • Payroll Updates (Requested Feature)

  • Auto-Generated Payroll ID (Requested Feature)

  • Development Roadmap(Requested Feature)

  • AWOL - Unpaid leave(Requested Feature)

  • Profile Update

  • Default Permission Pre-sets

What do we mean by a Requested Feature?

We encourage our clients to suggest ideas for improvement by using the Feature Requests option in our sidebar. The Feature Requests page allows you to submit your ideas for improvement, as well as vote and comment on those left by other users. Please get involved and help us to decide what to develop next!

Contract Field Updates

When creating new contract templates we now have a few new autofill field options.

The first is an option to have the employees home site to be put into the contract. This is the name of the site that the employee would usually work in. This is helpful when you are employing staff that work in multiple sites.

The other new autofill field is the ability for the current date to be put onto the contract. This will show the date that the contract is generated and will be formatted as: DD/MM/YYYY

Default Dashboard

You can now pick a default dashboard, this can be the Opsyte one or an Insytes dashboard by clicking the green star in the top right of the page. This will then be remembered for future visits to the dashboard page.

Payroll Updates

The headers in the payroll excel download are now frozen by default, so when you scroll down, the headers will still be visible.

We have also made a new permission to be able to Unlock Payroll. If you would like this permission, please do message support and we can add this for you.

Auto- Generate Payroll ID

There is now a new setting that can be turned on which will auto-generate payroll numbers for employees. This can be activated by an Admin by going to 'Other Company Settings' and then navigating to 'Employee Settings'.

Development ​Roadmap

We now have a dedicated web page which will display what we are currently developing within Opsyte. This will keep you up to date on what we are working on and what you can expect to be released in the near future. If you have any requests, there is a button which will take you to our requests page. The development roadmap is now visible on the Opsyte website here.

AWOL - Unpaid leave

Allocating unpaid leave on the rota now allows AWOL as a leave category. Please ask employees to make sure their app is updated to the latest version in order for them to see the rota as we have recently made changes to our app.

Profile Update

The employee's individual personal profiles has had a fresh update and is now much easier to navigate. This page is found by clicking on the icon in the top right hand corner and then selecting 'My profile'.

Default Permission Pre-sets

Any site that has not previously made any permission pre-sets will have some new ones setup. This is to make it clear what permissions we would recommend employees in these specific roles

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