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Matt Taylor avatar
Written by Matt Taylor
Updated over a month ago

This article will explain how our integration with TrustID works, covering the following points:

  • Purchasing Tokens

  • Onboarding

  • Verification

  • Failed Checks

Purchasing Tokens

Trust ID works on the basic of Tokens.

To purchase tokens directly on Opsyte you must be an Admin user.

In order to buy the tokens go to "TrustID Right to Work Verification" within the company settings:

Select the amount of tokens you wish to purchase and follow the steps for inputting card details.

Each token will be priced at Β£5, with a minimum buy of 10 tokens.

Or a reduced rate of Β£4.50 per token when purchasing 50 tokens.

You will be able to view the number of tokens available within your staff list as seen below.


New Employees

When onboarding new employees, you will see an option at the bottom of "Employ New Staff Member". This will enable you to select if you wish to Opt-in for TrustID for this employee.

If you would like the employee to complete the TrustID checks, please leave this on.

Existing Employees

For existing employees, you will have to go into the employee's staff profile. In the top right of the profile, you will see a blue button "Send TrustID Verification Email"

For both new and existing employees, they will then receive an email from [email protected]

Please note, the email will expire after 2 weeks and a token will be used.

Employees will need to scan the QR code and complete the steps set out. They will be required to take a picture of their right-to-work documents and take a selfie.

Verification βœ…

If the employee passes the TrustID checks, they will be Verified within Opsyte. This will be shown in the staff list with a blue tick.

The employee will also have completed documents within their profile from TrustID.

Both the employee and site manager will get a notification when the application has been accepted and verified.

Failed Checks ❌

There are two types of failed checks, Rejections and Failure.

TrustID checks the following things within an application to decipher whether it is a rejection or a failure:

  • Liveness

  • Face Match

  • Identity Fraud

  • Document Validation

Liveness indicates whether the user actually took the selfie or not and is actually a human. This is manually checked by TrustID staff and if this doesn't pass then its automatically rejected or failed.

Face match will be flagged if the selfie does not match the face within the passport.

Identity fraud, If they are obviously committing identity fraud then it will be an automatic failure.

Document Validation, this is if the document they're providing isn't valid, for example, if it has expired or it isn't for the country, if it isn't valid then it will be a failure.


A rejection is most commonly a human error. For example, the selfie that they took isn't clear or only shows half of their face, or the document that they have uploaded isn't great quality and details can not be recognised.

When an application has been rejected, they will automatically get resent a TrustID application to redo the application.

If an employee's application continuously gets rejected. We would advise stopping the automatic resends until you have spoken to the member of staff. This can be done in the top right of the employee's profile where it says "Flag Employee".


A failure is when there's something fraudulent happening or the user is trying to send malicious documents or something that TrustID deems suspicious.

When an application is failed, we will not automatically resend a new TrustID email.

If you have checked with the employee and wish to redo the TrustID application, you will be able to re-send an email in the top right of the employee's profile.

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