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Opsyte has a fully functioning HR, time and attendance, Contract and document and rota system. You can find out more about creating shifts, templating rotas to optimise your schedule management and lots more
Getting your business set up on Opsyte
Edit Employee Name / Email
Transferring Staff
Changing your National Insurance number
Adding, Changing and Removing Employee Job Roles
Employee Profile Notes
Missing National Insurance Number
Uploading Payslips to Employees
Add New Employees
Editing Staff Departments and Job Roles
Deleting an External User.
Re-employment on Opsyte
Set Home Company for employees.
How to update employee's Email before they add their details.
Manage User Permissions & Department Restrictions.
Shift Swapping
Empty Rota
Create, Move, Copy and Delete Shifts
Employee Working Patterns / Availability
Approving Shifts on the Rota
Sick Days
Printing the Rota
Rota Warnings
Financial Reporting on Rota
Types of Leave on Rota
Create Areas, to organise your departments on your Rota.
Customise the Order of your Rota by department.
Publishing Shifts
Creating and Using Rota Templates
Change User Order on the Rota.
Download the rota without costs.