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Create Areas, to organise your departments on your Rota.
Create Areas, to organise your departments on your Rota.
Zoe Fuller avatar
Written by Zoe Fuller
Updated over a week ago

This article will show you how to create "Areas", organise your departments within the "Areas" and how they appear on the rota and wage report.

How to Create "Areas".

1. Click on Company Settings.

2. Click "Staff Departments & Sections / Job Roles"

3. Click "Manage Departments"

4. Click "Manage Areas"

5. Enter a Title/Name in field.

6. Select the departments to include in the "Area".

7. Click the add button.

To view "Areas" on the Rota, follow the next steps.

1. Click "Staff"

2. Click "- Rota"

3. Click here to minimise the view of the "Area"

4. Click here to minimise the view of the Department within the "Area".

You can see the breakdown of "Areas" within the wage report.

1. Click "Reports"

2. Click "- Wage Report"

3. Click the arrow down.

4. You can then see the "Areas" in the wage report.

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