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Creating and Using Rota Templates
Creating and Using Rota Templates

If you have regular shifts that need inputting, our templating function will give you a quick and easy way to automatically input them!

Zoe Fuller avatar
Written by Zoe Fuller
Updated over 4 months ago

If you have regular shifts that need inputting, our templating function will give you a quick and easy way to automatically input them!

Using a template is a very easy and efficient way of inputting regular staff shifts into your rota quickly. This is especially helpful when entering staff that have contracted hours at the same times each week.

For example, if you have a member of staff whose contracted hours are Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 17:00 and this never changes, then it is far simpler to set these up on a template, rather than wasting time adding them manually every week!

Setting up a template

To set up a template, add all of the regular hours to your rota as you normally would on a new blank week.

Once you have done this go to the top left hand corner and click on Rota Menu, this will in turn give you a drop down menu, the select Templating as shown below.

Creating a template

1. Enter the regular shifts

2. Click "Rota Menu"

3. Click "Templating"

4. Input a name for this template.

5. Click "Create"

Selecting a template

1. Select a new week.

2. Click "Rota Menu"

3. Click "Templating"

4. Click the drop-down to select a template.

5. Then select the Departments you wish to use.

6. Click "Apply Template"

Please note: When selecting a template it will replace your current rota. This means that any shifts already inputted will be overwritten for that particular week.

Once the template has been selected you can always add to it or amend it at a later date before publishing. All previously approved holidays, sick leave, or unpaid leave will already appear on the rota and override any template shift.


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