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Holiday Settings
Matt Taylor avatar
Written by Matt Taylor
Updated over a year ago

Your holiday setting can be found within "Other Company Settings" within your admin area. This article will explain each setting and how they work.

Default Holiday Amount

This setting comes into play when you are hiring salaried paid members of staff. When hiring anyone on a salary you will be prompted to complete the number of days holiday per annum as seen below.

Although this figure is customisable for each employee that you hire, you are able to set a default figure within the holiday setting below.

Unpaid Leave Approval

With this setting, you can decide whether unpaid leave requires approval from management or not.

If enabled, this means if employees request unpaid leave, this will require approval.

Negative Holiday Balance

With this setting, you can decide if employees can go into a negative balance or not. If enabled, the holiday limit will be set to 0 and employees will not be able to go into a negative holiday balance.

Hourly Holiday Accrual In Days

Standardly, hourly employed staff members' holiday accrual is shown in hours. However, with this setting, you can determine whether this is shown in days instead.

We will take the hourly accrued balance and divide it by the average shift length to show the number of days of holiday available.

If the toggle seen above is turned on, the main display of the holiday will be shown in days. This will also affect what the employees see when they are booking any holiday.

Whether the setting is turned on or off, you will still have the option to switch between hours on days when viewing the holiday accrual page as seen below.

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