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November 2023 Release Notes
November 2023 Release Notes

Opsyte's release notes for November 2023

Matt Taylor avatar
Written by Matt Taylor
Updated over 8 months ago

We joyfully present the festive November edition of our merry release notes! Our cheerful team has been spreading holiday magic by diligently refining and enhancing Opsyte, ensuring it sparkles with the spirit of innovation. πŸŽ„πŸŒŸ

These Release Notes will cover:

Holiday Accrual in Days πŸ“†

Holiday Accrual Fix πŸ”¨

Holiday Employee List πŸ“‘

Half Day Holiday ViewπŸ“…

Holiday Accrual Download πŸ”»

Password Protected P45 πŸ”’

Contracted Hour Warning ❗

Rota Cost Preferences Improvements βœ…

Sort by Payroll no. ⏬

Copy Shifts on Mac πŸ’»

Email Preference Update πŸ“§

Snapshot Upgrade πŸ“©

Invoices Split Account Update πŸ’°

Bank Holidays on Rota πŸŽ„

What do we mean by a Requested Feature?

We welcome our clients to share their improvement ideas through the Feature Requests option available in our sidebar. The Feature Requests page enables you to submit your improvement suggestions, as well as vote and comment on ideas contributed by other users. Your active participation can play a crucial role in guiding us on what to prioritize for development next. Join us in shaping the future of our platform!
​Click here to view our current Feature Requests!

Holiday Accrual in Days πŸ“†

For hourly paid staff members, calculations have traditionally been conducted in hours. Our latest feature introduces a new setting, allowing you the flexibility to choose whether holiday accrual is displayed in days or hours for both you and your employees.

You can read more about the update here.

Holiday Accrual Fix πŸ”¨

We've enhanced our holiday accrual system to aggregate accruals across all sites where an employee is active.

When you navigate to the holiday accrual page and choose an employee who works across multiple sites, you'll now have visibility into the accrual for each site, with the total displayed at the top for comprehensive tracking.

Holiday Employee List πŸ“‘

In the latest update, when entering holiday requests on behalf of an employee, we've enhanced the employee list to display all employees in alphabetical order, as opposed to sorting them by their start date.

Half Day Holiday ViewπŸ“…

We have changed the view of a half-day holiday on the holiday calendar to give you better visibility of your staff's holiday.

Holiday Accrual Download πŸ”»

On the Holiday Accrual page, you now have the capability to download data to Excel. We've expanded this functionality to include the ability to download holiday accrual information for all sites if you have a multi-site setup, as illustrated below.

Password Protected P45 πŸ”’

Our P45 upload functionality has been revised to prevent employees from uploading password-protected PDFs.

Contracted Hour Warning ❗

In the schedule, you will now be alerted if any employees exceed their contracted hours. This warning will be indicated by their name being highlighted in orange, as shown below.

Rota Cost Preferences Improvements βœ…

On the rota, you have the option if you would like for the total pay line to contain holiday cost and/or NI and pension.

This appears as a tick box on the rota, and our recent update ensures that the tick box retains its selected state based on your preference.

Sort by Payroll no. ⏬

Previously on the staff list, you could sort by Name, Email address, Start Date, Department, and Section(s). We have now added the Option to sort by Payroll # also.

Copy Shifts on Mac πŸ’»

You can now copy shifts on a Mac computer!

Read about the new development here.

Email Preference Update πŸ“§

We have added a new email preference option as seen below.

You can now decide if you wish to receive the "Rota Not Published" email or not.

We have also added "Select/ Unselected All" buttons to help customise your email preferences.

Snapshot Upgrade πŸ“©

Snapshot is a highly used function within our financial module and we have just made it even better.

You can now see the option to set a default snapshot message. This enables you to split your snapshot into departments or subsections to keep coherency between all snapshot messages.

You can read about Sending and Customising your snapshot here.

Invoices Split Account Update πŸ’°

In the case of an invoice split across multiple sites, we will now display the respective site names within the split amounts section.

Bank Holidays on Rota πŸŽ„

We will now show all UK bank holidays on the staff rota. Helping to remind you of those busy shifts coming up!

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