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Cash Up Page

Your guide to using the Cashing Up page! Covering the Summary, Trackers, Elements, Banking, Payment Methods, Tip Allocation and Safe Checks.

Matt Taylor avatar
Written by Matt Taylor
Updated over a week ago

To complete daily cash-ups, navigate your way to the Financial section of the portal by using the menu on the left-hand side of the page, then select Cash Up from the drop-down menu.

You will then be presented with an overview of the Cash Up page with several different segments.

This article will cover the following sections of the Cash Up Page

You can click the headings to take you directly to each section!


Here you will find the overall Net and Gross totals for the day, as well as any VAT added. Your overall Cash up variance will also be shown here along with the opportunity for staff to submit a Variance reason for any discrepancies.

This is also where you will lock your cash up, send and edit your snapshot report (click here for more detail on the snapshot) and post sales to your accounting system!


In this section you are able to set certain trackers to categorise sales - these are fully customisable and can be amended by clicking the edit button, or generated automatically if we are integrated with your till system!

Trackers can include things like admissions, food, drink, service charge etc. Once these are set up you are able to manually input the net and gross sales for the day here. Alternatively, if we are integrated with your till system your sales will be pulled automatically.

You can also view payment type, the VAT rate and whether or not the tracker is being mapped.

Below is an example of inside the "edit" button on your trackers menu, where you can amend and customise this area of your cash up. You can edit and create new trackers, as well as map trackers to your EPOS.

Cash Up Elements

In this section you can view credit accounts, deposits, petty cash and comps. You can input and view information for each element by clicking the pencil icon.


In this section, you can input any banking that needs to be done for the day. You can categorise this by different payment methods (e.g. Amex, cash, Mastercard) as well as how much has been banked from each terminal.

To create new payment types click the "edit" button at the top of the table. To input your takings, click the pencil icon next to the payment types.

Your totals will then appear at the top of the table!

To declare any cash banked, click on the green money icon. You will then be able to enter any money banked along with a banking reference.


You can add your terminals within the cash-up page. You can also add active until dates allowing you to keep your financial module clear and concise.

Tips and Allocations

Here you will see an overview of the Tip Allocation section which allows you to see the value of card tips you have accumulated, the value of tips allocated to employees and the variance between these two numbers.

To find out more about the Tip Allocation process, please view our article here.

Safe Checks

In this section, you are able to log all AM/PM safe check details. This is very useful for tracking any variances either between shifts or at the end of the working day.

To count your safe, click the edit button to view the table below, then click "save edits" once you have finished counting.

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