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March 2022 Release Notes
March 2022 Release Notes

Opsyte's release notes for March 2022

Matt Taylor avatar
Written by Matt Taylor
Updated over 6 months ago

Here we are at the end of March, and yet again I am delighted to tell you that our development team have been working on some new great and very requested features - and these are now being released! πŸŽ‰

This Release Includes

Staff Module Updates

Employee Working Patterns / Availability πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ³ - requested feature

Drag and Copy Shifts on the Rota 🀡🏽 - requested feature

Preferred Name Support πŸ“ - requested feature

DRAFT Wording Removed from Rota πŸŽ‰ - requested feature

Delete Documents Permission ❌ - requested feature

Financial Module Updates

Reports Improvements πŸ“Š - requested feature

What do I mean by Requested Feature?

We encourage our clients to suggest ideas for improvement by using the Feature Requests option in our side bar. The feature requests page allows you to submit your own ideas for improvement, as well as vote and comment on those left by other users.

Staff Module Updates

Employee Working Patterns / Availability πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ³

Our new Working Patterns feature allows you to record employee availability, and increase the effectiveness of your rota-ing!

If you would like to turn on Working Patterns for your company, please contact Customer Support.

Users with the Working Pattern permission can now set employee working patterns in their staff profile, and on non working days the rota will be greyed out for that employee. But don't worry - if the employee needs to work on their usual non working day, you will still be able to make exceptions.

To find out more about how to use Working Patterns, you can view our article here!

Drag and Copy Shifts on the Rota 🀡🏽

We have now given you the ability to copy shifts on the rota! To copy a shift, you simply need to hover over it, then hold down the Ctrl key and click and drag the shift you wish to copy.

If you click and drag without holding down the Ctrl key, the existing function of moving the shift will still happen. To find out more about our rota functions, you can view this article.

Preferred Name Support πŸ“

We are happy to tell you that we now support the use of preferred names! If employees have a preferred name that differs from their legal name, they are able to set this as a preferred name in their profile - and this will be the name shown to them in Opsyte, and in all email correspondence from our platform.

DRAFT wording removed from Rota πŸŽ‰

In a previous update, we added the DRAFT wording to unpublished rotas. We had good intentions here - as rotas were being left unpublished and employees were unable to see their upcoming shifts. However, we received feedback that this was distracting, and made rota-ing more difficult. We have listened, and removed the word DRAFT.

You will still be able to see whether your rota is in draft state as there is a red warning triangle and DRAFT wording next to each department's title.

Please remember to publish your rotas - if you don't, your employees will be unable to see their shifts, and when an employee clocks in your rota will be automatically published (so it's best if you publish it yourself first).

Learn more about publishing your rota here.

Delete Documents Permission ❌

If you use our Contracts and Documents module, you will be delighted to know that we have given you more control over your own documents with our new Delete Documents permission. Admin users will be able to give this permission to members of their company in the User Permissions section of the Admin menu.

Financial Module Updates

Posting Sales to Xero Permission πŸ’Έ

Previously, only admins were able to post sales to Xero from the Cash Up page. We have now created a permission that, when enabled, will allow any users with this permission to post the days sales to Xero.

This allows management to delegate this responsibility, without needing to give away full admin level access to Opsyte. Learn more about posting sales here.

View Snapshot Report on Screen πŸ“ˆ

Another improvement in our Financial Module is the ability to view the Snapshot Report on screen, rather than only being able to see the report after it has been sent on email!

If you use our Cash Up page and aren't already using our Snapshot Report - this is a great time to start. If you'd like to see more about this report, please view our article here.

Full Variance Reason on Cash Up πŸ’°

Previously, the full variance reason could only be seen on the Cash Up page when the edit button was clicked to open up the variance window. We have now created a tool tip that will appear when you roll over the variance box, showing you the full variance reason.

Reports Improvements πŸ“Š

We have made a couple of improvements to our reports!

P&L Flash Report!

You are now able to add Variable costs with decimal places (rather than having to use whole numbers) to allow for a greater level of accuracy!

NEW Weekly Sales Report!

We have created a new weekly sales report! If you've been with Opsyte a while, you may remember our old version of this report - and it is back by popular request!

The weekly sales report gives you a tabular view of your week's data, your labour costs, and comparisons to previous years! It is now also exportable to Excel.

We hope that you enjoy this new release, and can get plenty of use out of these new features! πŸŽ‰

We look forward to another month of development in April, and will continue to grow our software to ensure we bring you the best solutions for hospitality businesses. πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ³

Thank you,

The Opsyte Team

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